Java bank - Inheritance
Suppose that Java bank needs an account with which the owner can withdraw money even if the withdrawal amount is greater than the balance.
You can extend an existing account class to create a subclass that can have negative balances. Let's name an account with a negative balance as a minus account. A minus account class only needs to override the withdraw() of the superclass, Account class.
The addAccount(String accountNo, String name, double balance) method of the Bank class should determine whether an account to create is a regular or a minus account. So add the parameter to the addAccount() as below.
public void addAccount(String accountNo, String name, double balance, String kind) { //..Omitted }
Suppose that the kind parameter is assigned the dash character (-) when creating a minus account.
public void addAccount(String accountNo, String name, double balance, String kind) { Account account = this.getAccount(accountNo); if (account == null) { if (kind != null && kind.equals("-") { accounts.add(new MinusAccount(accountNo, name, balance)); } else { accounts.add(new Account(accountNo, name, balance)); } } }
package; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; public class Account { private String accountNo; private String name; protected double balance; protected List<Transaction> transactions = new ArrayList<Transaction>(); static final String KIND = "Normal"; static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); static final SimpleDateFormat TIME_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); static final String DEPOSIT = "Deposit"; static final String WITHDRAW = "Withdrawal"; static final NumberFormat NUMBER_FORMAT = NumberFormat.getInstance(); public Account() {} public Account(String accountNo, String name) { this.accountNo = accountNo; = name; } public Account(String accountNo, String name, double balance) { this.accountNo = accountNo; = name; this.balance = balance; } public void deposit(double amount) { balance = balance + amount; Transaction transaction = new Transaction(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date date = cal.getTime(); transaction.setTransactionDate(DATE_FORMAT.format(date)); transaction.setTransactionTime(TIME_FORMAT.format(date)); transaction.setAmount(amount); transaction.setBalance(balance); transaction.setKind(DEPOSIT); transactions.add(transaction); } public void withdraw(double amount) { if (amount > this.balance) { return; } balance = balance - amount; Transaction transaction = new Transaction(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date date = cal.getTime(); transaction.setTransactionDate(DATE_FORMAT.format(date)); transaction.setTransactionTime(TIME_FORMAT.format(date)); transaction.setAmount(amount); transaction.setBalance(balance); transaction.setKind(WITHDRAW); transactions.add(transaction); } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getAccountNo() { return accountNo; } public void setAccountNo(String accountNo) { this.accountNo = accountNo; } public long getBalance() { return balance; } public void setBalance(double balance) { this.balance = balance; } public List<Transaction> getTransactions() { return transactions; } public void setTransactions(List<Transaction> transactions) { this.transactions = transactions; } public String getKind() { return KIND; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(accountNo); sb.append("|"); sb.append(name); sb.append("|"); sb.append(NUMBER_FORMAT.format(balance)); sb.append("|"); sb.append(getKind()); return sb.toString(); } }
Modify the toString() method of the Transaction class as follows:
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(transactionDate); sb.append("|"); sb.append(transactionTime); sb.append("|"); sb.append(kind); sb.append("|"); sb.append(Account.NUMBER_FORMAT.format(amount)); sb.append("|"); sb.append(Account.NUMBER_FORMAT.format(balance)); return sb.toString(); }
package; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; public class MinusAccount extends Account { static final String KIND = "Minus"; public MinusAccount() {} public MinusAccount(String accountNo, String name) { super(accountNo, name); } public MinusAccount(String accountNo, String name, double balance) { super(accountNo, name, balance); } @Override public String getKind() { return KIND; } @Override public void withdraw(double amount) { balance = balance - amount; Transaction transaction = new Transaction(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date date = cal.getTime(); transaction.setTransactionDate(Account.DATE_FORMAT.format(date)); transaction.setTransactionTime(Account.TIME_FORMAT.format(date)); transaction.setAmount(amount); transaction.setBalance(balance); transaction.setKind(Account.WITHDRAW); transactions.add(transaction); } }
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Bank { private List<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>(); public void addAccount(String accountNo, String name) { Account account = this.getAccount(accountNo); if (account == null) { accounts.add(new Account(accountNo, name)); } } public void addAccount(String accountNo, String name, double balance) { Account account = this.getAccount(accountNo); if (account == null) { accounts.add(new Account(accountNo, name, balance)); } } public void addAccount(String accountNo, String name, String kind) { Account account = this.getAccount(accountNo); if (account == null) { if (kind != null && kind.equals("-")) { accounts.add(new MinusAccount(accountNo, name)); } else { accounts.add(new Account(accountNo, name)); } } } public void addAccount(String accountNo, String name, double balance, String kind) { Account account = this.getAccount(accountNo); if (account == null) { if (kind != null && kind.equals("-")) { accounts.add(new MinusAccount(accountNo, name, balance)); } else { accounts.add(new Account(accountNo, name, balance)); } } } public Account getAccount(String accountNo) { int size = accounts.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (accountNo.equals(accounts.get(i).getAccountNo())) { return accounts.get(i); } } return null; } public List<Account> findAccountByName(String name) { List<Account> matched = new ArrayList<Account>(); int size = accounts.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (name.equals(accounts.get(i).getName())) { matched.add(accounts.get(i)); } } return matched; } public List<Account> getAccounts() { return accounts; } }
package; import java.util.List; public class Test { static final String ACCOUNTS_HEADING = "AccountNo|Owner|Balance|N/M"; static final String TRANSACTIONS_HEADING = "Date|Time|D/W|Amount|Balance"; public static void main(String[] args) { //Create test accounts Bank bank = new Bank(); bank.addAccount("101", "Alison"); bank.addAccount("202", "Bill"); bank.addAccount("303", "Carol"); bank.addAccount("404", "Alison", "-"); //..Omitted System.out.println(); //6.Withdraw $ 5 from 404 account. System.out.println("6.Withdraw $ 5 from 404 account."); Account alison404 = bank.getAccount("404"); alison404.withdraw(5); System.out.println(ACCOUNTS_HEADING); System.out.println(alison404); } }
6.Withdraw $ 5 from 404 account. AccountNo|Owner|Balance 404|Alison|-5|Minus
Create the following custom exceptions and apply them to the example.
- InsufficientBalanceException
- DuplicateAccountException